Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ducati Motor Sport Modification Style

Ducati Motor Sport Modification StyleDucati Motor Sport Modification Style
2009 Track Schedule at Putnam Park
February 12th, 2009

Here is a list of dates we have confirmed at Putnam Park Road Corse in Mount Meridian, Indiana.

Sunday, February 24, 2009
Sunday, Maret 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009 (this is the last day before MotoGP in Indy and Putnam is 30 miles or so away!)

We will be running 3 groups: beginner, intermediate and advanced. If you have any questions about bike prep or riding apparel please let us know. If you purchase all 3 dates before March 1 the cost is $150 per track day. Individual dates are $160 before March 1. After March 1 it will be $165 per day if purchasing all 3 days at the same time and $175 per day if purchasing individual days. Days are $190 the week of and $200 the day of. The package of 3 days is non-refundable and non-transferable.We accept credit cards via phone, checks payable to Commonwealth Motorcycles or cash the day of (at the posted rate).

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